Monday, May 11, 2009

I ♥ Faces - Laughter

Adult Entry

My adult entry was hard to find!! Its hard to get pictures of people laughing!! When you pull out a camera, people tend to tighten up. But, on Easter Sunday, we were having a fun photo shoot, and Angel said something silly and she made me CRACK up!!! Then she started laughing too, and thats when my wonderful husband snapped this great picture!

Kid Entry

Its difficult to get natural pictures of Madi-Potomus too... as soon as the camera is out she tries to act "cute", which results in weird and forced pictures, but with some persistance and lots of goofy jokes and funny faces, you can usually coax a real laugh from her. This was our Christmas family shoot, and it was getting long, but I managed to snap this one right at the end!


  1. I think both shots are great! nice job. : )

  2. very cute pictures! true laughter, great job!
